What can we do?

Interior cleaning
Hoolduskoristus on regulaarne tööruumide koristus. Olgu siis tegemist kaupluse, büroo-, lao- või tootmisruumidega. Teenus loob Teile suurema mugavuse ja võimaluse rohkem keskenduda oma põhitööle. Koristust teostame Teile sobival ajal, ulatuses ja korras.
Valvekoristust teostame seal, kus toimub inimeste tihe liikumine, näiteks kaubakeskuses, hotellis või teenindussaalis. Valvekoristuse eelis hoolduskoristuse ees on pidev järelvalve ja tekkiva mustuse operatiivne eemaldamine. Nii saab Teie ruumides tagada puhta ja meeldiva vastuvõtu igal ajal.
Maintenance and on-call cleaning
You can choose the frequency of maintenance cleaning in a shop, office, warehouse or production space yourself or trust the advice of our professionals. Depending on your wishes, cleaning may be ordered as often as every night, so it would be nice to enjoy your morning coffee in a clean and well-kept workplace the next morning.
We offer on-call cleaning where there is a lot of people moving around, such as in a shopping center, hotel, service room or gym. The advantage of on-call cleaning over maintenance cleaning is the operative removal of dirt. We operate like a special unit for you, which reacts immediately and does not allow a situation to arise where, for example, a cup of coffee thrown on the floor of a shopping center stays there for hours.
Disinfection of premises and surfaces
The importance of disinfection is now as clear as never before – or should I say: clear as a disinfectant?
Disinfection is necessary to eliminate anything that could cause pathogens, diseases, and viruses (including Covid-19).
In our work, we use innovative Victory devices that work using electrostatic technology, spraying on the surface microns with a positive electrostatic charge, which trap and eliminate particles of the negative charge on the surface. With this technology, the effect is immediate, and the surfaces retain long-term protection.
Renewal of hygiene supplies
A clean and fresh-smelling toilet is the visit card of every establishment.
We will supply you with the necessary accessories and cleaning products:
- hand-drying, toilet and industrial papers with holders,
- liquid soaps with dispensers,
- air fresheners and fragrance dispensers
- trash cans in different sizes with garbage bags.
Replacement of mud carpets
Be it spring, summer, autumn or winter – carpets are incredibly effective helpers that catch all the dirt, sand, gravel you may not have a clue about.
Our selection includes bluish gray and tweed brown carpets in sizes 85x150cm, 115x200cm and 150x300cm. However, if you want to present the main entrance of your company in a very personal way, we recommend ordering carpets with a logo designed individually for you.

Outdoor cleaning
Janitor service
The janitor is an indispensable assistant in the daily maintenance of sidewalks and outdoor areas.
The janitor does everything to ensure that the area around your business or property is well-groomed and tidy at any time of the year. In addition to picking up garbage and emptying bins, sidewalks, parking lots and green areas need constant care, whether rain, snow or bullets come from the sky.
On feast days, it is the janitor who helps our lovely tricolor rise on the flagpole.
Janitor service
The janitor is an indispensable assistant in the daily maintenance of sidewalks and outdoor areas.
The janitor does everything to ensure that the area around your business or property is well-groomed and tidy at any time of the year. In addition to picking up garbage and emptying bins, sidewalks, parking lots and green areas need constant care, whether rain, snow or bullets come from the sky.
On feast days, it is the janitor who helps our lovely tricolor rise on the flagpole.
Maintenance of parking spaces and sidewalks
Parking spaces, parking garages, driveways and sidewalks – just you name, we have a machine for everything that can wash, brush or clean the surface!
We perform cleaning on the basis of one-time agreements as well as long-term maintenance contracts. Based on the maintenance contract, the desired service will always reach you before anything else.
Maintenance of landscaping
Timely mowed lawn will help maintain its quality in the years to come. Here it is worth knowing when, how high and by what means the grass must be mowed in order to boost its growth.
Gardeners and botanists have confirmed that fighting pests and plant diseases is a much more laborious and time-consuming task than raking leaves. In addition to the aesthetic appearance and vitality of the lawn, there is another important reason for leaf raking: safety! Wet leaves on the sidewalk or driveway are equal to ice, which can result in accident if one is careless.
Let our professionals do the work and use the remaining time for your core business or to spend time with your dearest.
Wintry maintenance
It is known that the first snow always arrives unexpectedly and does not always correspond to the calendar reference for winter.
Therefore, it makes sense to have a snow clearing partner for your business or managed building in place who is ready to respond quickly to avoid surprises. Anti-slip measures should not be forgotten either, because even with the first degrees of cold, slippery conditions are guaranteed in our climate due to humidity and wind. If the snow shovel and the blower are not enough, our team will come to the rescue with its heavy cannon squad – see our fleet HERE.

Tractor service
Hoolduskoristus on regulaarne tööruumide koristus. Olgu siis tegemist kaupluse, büroo-, lao- või tootmisruumidega. Teenus loob Teile suurema mugavuse ja võimaluse rohkem keskenduda oma põhitööle. Koristust teostame Teile sobival ajal, ulatuses ja korras.
Anti-snow and anti-slip measures
Our winter heavy cannon squad is made up of machines for every taste, and we can assure you that winter will never come unexpectedly for us.
We can be ready for any wintry surprise – be it freezing rain or the insidious creeping bald ice along the way, let alone the snowstorms that bury everything and the snowdrifts that soar into the sky. We can really cope with everything. Honestly!
Snow removal
Life has shown that by June 2, the last snowman has melted, not to mention the high rising snow piles.
But if you don’t plan to start sledding to your neighbors, and when all the soft white snow that has fallen from that sky becomes a faceless black pile that takes up half the parking lot or street, it would be wise to have our good helpers remove it.
We also feature suitable “workhorses” in our fleet for this activity.
Transport services in particularly difficult conditions
It’s raining, the mud is up to our knees and the ground is sinking – it’s all something we’ve had over 20 years of experience with, and we could go on and on about the stories of difficult conditions.
Each site has only taught and toughened us, and today we can say that we are “up-to-our-necks-in-mud” specialists in our field. We’ve helped transport soil wherever it’s been needed, whether it’s for a new road, neighbourhood, sports field or landfill.
Road construction and maintenance
Once the soil has been transported, it is time for road construction.
We can help with the excavation and removal of roadbeds, the construction of road dams, the excavation of foundations, the construction of noise barriers, sand and gravel bases, the excavation and cleaning of ponds or even the construction of forest roads.
Special cleaning works
Special cleaning work is special because it involves the removal of dirt that is impossible in daily maintenance cleaning or that has been delayed for too long.
Rental and installation of garbage containers
Do you want to get rid of garbage during construction or repair, or do you carry out spring cleaning at home? To get rid of everything unnecessary, we have containers that can hold up to 22 cubic meters of various waste.
Carrying out work from basket hoist
The basket hoist is a multifunctional helper that allows you to carry out work where human hands cannot reach.
Seasonal cleaning work
It’s really great that we have four seasons! As the seasons change, the focus in cleaning shifts too.
Special cleaning works
Special cleaning work is special because it involves the removal of dirt that is impossible in daily maintenance cleaning or that has been delayed for too long.
Rental and installation of garbage containers
Do you want to get rid of garbage during construction or repair, or do you carry out spring cleaning at home? To get rid of everything unnecessary, we have containers that can hold up to 22 cubic meters of various waste.
Carrying out work from basket hoist
The basket hoist is a multifunctional helper that allows you to carry out work where human hands cannot reach.
Seasonal cleaning work
It’s really great that we have four seasons! As the seasons change, the focus in cleaning shifts too.